
Bibleluke Home Page

Welcome. I have pulled together the following studies, developed over a number of years that have been shared, discussed and updated through a bit of experience and insight. I hope you find them stimulating and helpful.

All the contents can be found from the drop down boxes at the top of the page.

The focus of the studies is the gospel of Luke and in particular how he tries to express what he calls the ‘Kingdom of God’. As this phrase has little or no meaning to us in today’s context, I have tended to use a term like ‘new humanity’ to try to bring the intended message into our modern thinking.

Most internet content on the bible seems to be devotional or reactionary to current affairs. I do not wish to repeat such content here. Instead, using the words recorded by Luke, I am attempting to open up consideration of how Jesus aims to establish an expression of the new humanity that will complete this age and be the norm in the next.

After a few introductory pages, each subsequent page is set out as a separate study. The first section of the page should be easily read. It is followed by a ‘Background’ section that starts with the passage under consideration (NASB translation) then other bible references allowing more detailed study of the passage.

Luke is explaining themes that are central to the purpose of the whole bible and therefore most studies can be traced to origins set out in the Genesis songs and expanded in a number of other references through to the prophecies in the book of Revelation. It is a bit like moving to a new city where knowledge of the place starts by getting to know the main central locations first then gradually radiating outwards.

Interspersed, there are some pages that are studies of words or phrases. I have included links from one page to another where it may be useful.

The studies covering the first phase of Jesus’ public ministry are included. I am now adapting my further notes to be included as phase 2. These will be added piecemeal as they are completed.

I am also intending to run an occasional blog page. These are intended to respond to feedback or to raise a topic to provoke thought and debate. Therefore they are likely to include some controversial issues and are not intended or likely to result in agreement, but hopefully to stimulate thought and a deeper life experience. The first includes some thoughts on the coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown of which has provided a suitable stimulus for me to knuckle down and write up the notes into a format that hopefully will provide some interest and encouragement.

There is a contact form and I would welcome all constructive feedback. I will aim to update the content in the light of suitable input and in an attempt to bring more clarity.

Alan Brown